Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Day at the Zoo

At first, Aubrey wasn't too sure about some of the animals, but then she warmed up to them. Good thing daddy was right there with her! It was a hot day, so Aubrey decided to cool off at the polar bear exhibit.

Aubrey and Joe decided to feed the goats. Aubrey didn't want to get her hands slobbery, so daddy had to do the dirty work.

Vacation Pictures

We had a great time with my family on vacation in Mishicot, WI. It was on a golf resort, which Joe loved! Aubrey had a great time with grandma and grandpa, aunts and uncles, and her cousin, Tegan. Here are some pictures of Aubrey having fun! Daddy is teaching her how to drive the golf cart. He thinks it is important to instill good golfing habits when she's young.

Aubrey is practicing her walking with daddy and uncle Brad.

Aubrey enjoyed a ride on grandpa's shoulders as we strolled along Lake Michigan.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Pretty Lady

One of Aubrey's favorite things to do is to take apart my purse. She carefully empties the contents and then puts everything back (after trying on the lipstick, of course). Grandma Moore had the great idea of making Aubrey her very own purse, so I looked through my stacks of unused handbags, and found one for her to call her own. I put the essentials in there, and her new accessory kept her busy for hours!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Busy days of summer

Aubrey takes a break from her busy day and has a snack on the patio stairs. One of her favorite activities is to climb up and down them. She has a few scrapes and bruises to show from it!

Another favorite is to completely empty the contents of the pantry onto the floor. It usually consists of boxes of food being thrown across the floor, so we gave Aubrey a grocery bag to fill up... much easier for mommy and daddy to clean up later!

And finally, Aubrey is learning to drive. I found this Cozy Coup at a garage sale for $5! I remember spending many hours playing in a similar one as a child. It was so fun to turn the key and open and close the door. Aubrey likes to turn the wheel and slam the door open and shut.

Up, up, up, and away!

Last night, Aubrey decided to up and walk across the room. She feels very proud of herself... (so do mommy and daddy!) She still isn't the most graceful walker, but that will come with practice.